Academia Goes Burlesque:
on the Queer Impact of the, Popular and Sexual Culture, Berlin May 15-16, 2024
Photo: Whiskey Shots

Tsarina Hellfire

My name is Madame Tsarina Magdalena Hellfire, and I am a queer, Romani (Gipsy) burlesque clown, musician and entertainer from New Orleans. Burlesque has a very long history here in my beloved city. I have been involved with the scene since  1999 and performing off and on stage since 2002. Since then, I have helped build the Endless Night Vampire ball international brand, from New Orleans to Los Angeles, Tampa, Salem, Massachusetts and now Paris. I have created, introduced many shows over the years most notably, Le Vampire, Cabaret, Charmed, I’m sure, a queer witch cabaret, and Clown Town. For a few months, I ran away with Paranormal Cirque and Italian horror Circus, one of their clowns taught around the country of the United States. These days I played the Madame Vampyre very well here, in the city of New Orleans, and everywhere else in the United States, and now international.