Academia Goes Burlesque:
on the Queer Impact of the, Popular and Sexual Culture, Berlin May 15-16, 2024

Agata Łuksza

I am an assistant professor at the Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw. I graduated with honors from the University of Warsaw in cultural studies and journalism and hold a PhD from the same university in cultural studies. I am a theatre and performance scholar, haunted by nineteenth century history; a feminist inspired by women of the past; and a fangirl of fantasy and gothic narratives. Currently I work on unveiling Polish colonial histories hoping to prevent further replication of racial stereotypes in contemporary Poland. My research has been widely published in both Polish and international academic journals (e.g. Theatre Journal, Feminist Media StudiesContemporary Theatre ReviewPamiętnik TeatralnyJournal of Fandom Studies) and I appear as a cultural commentator in Polish media. I am the author of Polish Theatre Revisited: Theatre Fans in the Nineteenth Century (University of Iowa Press, 2023), and Glamour, femininity, performance. Actress as an Object of Desire (Warsaw University Press, Theatre Institute in Warsaw, 2016). I am a Board Member of the European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance and the co-editor of its journal: European Journal of Theatre and Performance. I am also a member of The International Federation for Theatre Research (Historiography WG) and The Polish Society for Theatre Research (PTBT).